Wednesday, January 13, 2010


What would someone look like who didn't want anything? When I look back on any part of my life there is always one constant; want. No matter what I have I want more. I want new. I want different. I want the same. There is no end. It does not stop at belongings either. I want better relationships. I want respect. I want to be acknowledged for my awesomeness. I want to not have delusions of grandeur, heh heh. But most of all I want love.

So where and when does it end? Is happiness the goal? Is happiness achievable through the acquisition of of all the things I want? At least once every 3 days I have the thought "If I just had _______ I would be happy". And every time I get that ______ I am never happy. After that it takes my brain about 26 seconds to think of a new thing I want in life. If that is the case it seems that one would never achieve the goal of happiness if we (I) are able to quickly think of new desires.

So maybe the goal of happiness is the problem. So let's get back to my first question; What would someone look like who didn't want anything? Would that person not have a way of getting anything they want and just learn to accept that? OR would it be someone who could have anything they wanted but chooses to not in favor of service and sacrifice? Great power is shown in someone who has power and does not use it for their own selfish desires. So the answer is to not just to be thankful for what I do have but to serve and choose to be a need fulfilled for someone else. Jesus wins again. He had all of the power in the world to avoid being killed, but He chose instead to let himself die for me and my selfish ways. Hmmmmm, it helps to write things out. Jesus you are the Man. You find ways to let Your Will known. When I am feeling selfish you humble the snot out of me. I guess the Camaro will have to wait. There are Camaros in heaven right?

PS I am now reminded that You do give me the desire I want most of all; Love in abundance.


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